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Business Trading Terms and conditions

In the event of any conflict between ordering on our website and placing orders in our offices, by phone or by email for customised services that fit the particular individual or business requirements, a Client Agreement will prevail over these Online Business Terms and Conditions and either will prevail over our Business Proposal.

Please read all these terms and conditions.

As we can accept your order and make a legally enforceable agreement without further reference to you, you must read these terms and conditions to make sure that they contain all that you want and nothing that you are not happy with.


1. These Terms and Conditions will apply to the purchase of the services by you (the Customer or you). We are Sinda Corporation UK Limited a company registered in England and Wales under number 10562508, whose registered office is at 124 City Road London United Kingdom EC1V 2NX with email address; (the Supplier or us or we).

2. These are the terms on which we sell all Services to you. By ordering any of the Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. You can only purchase the Services from the Website if you are eligible to enter into a contract and are at least 18 years old.


3. Consumer means an individual acting for purposes which are wholly or mainly outside his or her trade, business, craft or profession; Company means a company or any subsidiary to which the company is a party.

4. Contract means the legally-binding agreement between you and us for the supply of the Services;

5. Delivery Location means the Supplier’s premises, emails,  or other location where the Services are to be supplied, as set out in the Order;

6. Durable Medium means paper or email, or any other medium that allows information to be addressed personally to the recipient, enables the recipient to store the information in a way accessible for future reference for a period that is long enough for the purposes of the information, and allows the unchanged reproduction of the information stored;

7. Services mean any  Services that we supply to you with the Services, of the number and description as set out in the Order;

8. Order means the Customer’s order for the Services from the Supplier as submitted following the step by step process set out on the Website;

9. Privacy Policy means the terms which set out how we will deal with confidential and personal information received from you via the Website;

10. Services mean the Services advertised on the Website, including Services, of the number and description set out in the Order;

11. Website means our website on which the Services are advertised.

Service Provisons

12. The description of the Services is as set out in the Website, catalogs, brochures, or other forms of advertisement.

13. In the case of Services made to your special requirements, it is your responsibility to ensure that any information or specification you provide is accurate.

14. All Services which appear on the Website are subject to availability.

15. We can make changes to the Services which are necessary to comply with any applicable law or safety requirement. We will notify you of these changes.

We will at all times take reasonable and practicable steps to ensure accurate and efficient dealing with all communications received on your behalf and that all emails are handled in accordance with your specific instructions.  These should be clearly detailed on your application form.  However, no warranty or liability is accepted by us, our staff or agents in relation to services provided, nor for any losses or damages suffered by you which shall include money, valuables or loss of business, however so caused.

This website should not be construed as giving advice and is intended for guidance only. All content is subject to the UK and Hong Kong regulatory regimes.

Our blog, case studies and market analyses reflect the personal views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Sinda Corporation and its affiliates. Our blog and case studies and market analyses are made available for educational and reference purposes only as well as to give you general information and a general understanding of the services we provide, not to provide specific legal advice. By using them you understand that there is no client relationship between you and us. The blog, case studies and market analyses should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed service provider in the jurisdiction you live in.

Online Business Matching Services 

a) We will process your business matching services request based on the information provided by you on the application form, as well as all correspondence in relation to your requirements;

b) These services are intended for you to seek potential business partners  and thus do not guarantee any success of securing a business deal;

c)You agree that you will not use the services for any illegal or illegitimate purposes and that such uses will constitute grounds for immediate termination of services by us.  You also agree to provide us with an acceptable form of ID under any current or future Money Laundering Regulations;

Bank Account Opening

a)Please note Bank account opening cannot be guaranteed as this is totally at the discretion of the bank, although we try our utmost to ensure all applications are accepted. If the Bank declines your application for a Bank Account, kindly note that we will continue to connect your application to the most suitable bank in the same jurisdiction, or in a different jurisdiction, depending on your business requirements and your portfolio that fits the Bank; If you decide not to proceed with the bank account opening after the first refusal, we will then issue a partial refund, after deducting 15% of the total fee you paid.

b)If your company has nominees acting as the director or shareholder an additional fee may apply for checking the extra due diligence documents required;

c)You agree that you will not use the services for any illegal or illegitimate purposes and that such uses will constitute grounds for immediate termination of services by us.  You also agree to provide us with an acceptable form of ID under any current or future Money Laundering Regulations;

Company Formation Services

a) We will incorporate a company based on your requirements stated on the application form;

b) We do not provide any tax or legal advice in relation to your incorporation requests. Information on our website and emails have been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal, accounting or structure advice. The information and opinions we provide do not address your particular requirements and are for informational purposes only. They do not constitute any form of legal advice and should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice relevant to particular circumstances and is not intended to be relied upon by you in making any decisions that may arise from reliance on materials contained on our website or in the email;

c)You agree that you will not use the services for any illegal or illegitimate purposes and that such uses will constitute grounds for immediate termination of services by us.  You also agree to provide us with an acceptable form of ID under any current or future Money Laundering Regulations;

Nominee Director/Shareholder Services 

The Nominee price is for the Appointment of the Nominee to the company for 1 year and the signing of the incorporation documents. If other documents should be signed by the nominee, there are several options:

a) the nominee is willing to sign documents subject to compliance checks, charges will occur to the client for the signing of documents. When original documents are required, courier expenses should be covered by the client too.  Contracts and Agreements signed with value over 1 million British Pounds, Assignment Agreement and Loan Agreements and other complex financial instruments are treated as high risk and are reviewed by the compliance team. The provision of signatures on such documents depends on the case and is discussed individually. We might decline to sign some documents should our compliance team deem the transaction as high risk;

b) the documents can be signed by the company representative on the basis of the Power of Attorney, the client provides the nominee with a copy of passport of the Attorney and covers the fee for the Power of Attorney (legalised with Apostille) for a charge of  GBP699.00;

c)You agree that you will not use the services for any illegal or illegitimate purposes and that such uses will constitute grounds for immediate termination of services by us.  You also agree to provide us with an acceptable form of ID under any current or future Money Laundering Regulations;


1. SINDA CORPORATION Corporation’s  Right to Terminate: SINDA CORPORATION can terminate services at any time without providing a reason, as long as it complies with applicable laws and any specific provisions in trust instruments. In such cases, SINDA CORPORATION will not be liable for any losses incurred by clients or beneficiaries.

2. Immediate Termination Conditions: SINDA CORPORATION  may terminate services immediately under several circumstances, including:
– Breach of applicable law.
– Persistent material breach by the client.
– Change in ownership of the managed entity without a new engagement agreement.
– Insolvency of the client or managed entity.
– Client’s inability to meet payment obligations.
– Outstanding fees beyond 30 days.
– Criminal charges against the client or managed entity.
– Failure to provide necessary information for compliance.
– Activities inconsistent with the engagement agreement or potential damage to SINDA CORPORATION’s reputation.

3. Client’s Right to Terminate: The client can terminate services immediately if SINDA CORPORATION is in material breach of the service terms, which is either unremediable or not remedied within 30 days of notice.

4. Notice Period for Termination: Either party may terminate services with a written notice of at least 90 days, unless otherwise specified in agreements.

5. Post-Termination Obligations: Upon termination, the client must provide details of a new service provider to maintain the managed entity’s good standing. If this information is not provided, SINDA CORPORATION may withdraw services and resign without appointing a successor.

Termination Fee for Transferring Companies out of Management or Striking the Managed Company off Register  or the Managed Company going into liquidation 

The Supplier charges a one-off termination fee of GBP3,000 per entity for switching the Supplier to the other service provider or the Client has decided to strike off the managed Company or start the liquidation process . The Termination Fee will fall due upon:

a) We decided, pursuant to the Terms and Conditions, to terminate its Services;

b)Agreement between you and us that the Structure, or any entity within it, is no longer required; or

c) We agree to your request to terminate its Services by transferring the Structure, or an entity within the Structure, to another service provider, or the the Client has decided to strike off the Company or start the liquidation process for the Company.

In the case of (b) and (c) above, we will not be obliged to carry out any action to effect termination or transfer until the Termination Fee has been received.

The Termination Fee is reviewed periodically and from time to time may be subject to increase. The prevailing Termination Fee will be notified to you at the relevant time.

Trademark Registration 

a) all Content included on the Website, unless uploaded by Users, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, logos, icons, images, sound clips, video clips, data compilations, page layout, underlying code and software is the property of us, our affiliates or other relevant third parties.  By continuing to use the Website you acknowledge that such material is protected by applicable United Kingdom and International Intellectual Property and other laws;

b) you may not reproduce, copy, distribute, store or in any other fashion re-use material from the Website unless otherwise indicated on the Website or unless given express written permission to do so by us;

c) Unless otherwise expressly indicated, all Intellectual Property rights including, but not limited to, Copyright and Trademarks, in product images and descriptions belong to the manufacturers or distributors of such products as may be applicable;

d) you may not reproduce, copy, distribute, store or in any other fashion re-use such material unless otherwise indicated on the Website or unless given express written permission to do so by the relevant manufacturer or supplier;

e)Material from the Website may be re-used without written permission where any of the exceptions detailed in Chapter III of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 apply;

f)You agree that you will not use the services for any illegal or illegitimate purposes and that such uses will constitute grounds for immediate termination of services by us.  You also agree to provide us with an acceptable form of ID under any current or future Money Laundering Regulations;

Online Business Consulting Services 

a)In accepting our engagement with Online Business Consulting Services, the Client authorises us to proceed with all relevant preparations for providing the Services, including but not limited to purchase of materials and booking venues (if required);

b)We shall provide the Services using reasonable skill and care.

c) In providing the Services, we shall use its reasonable endeavors to give sound advice based on the information available, but the Client will remain wholly responsible for determining matters of policy or action related to that advice.

d) The Client acknowledges and agrees that, in order for its personnel to derive benefits from the Services, such personnel will be required to make such commitment as is appropriate to the Services being provided.

e)You agree that you will not use the services for any illegal or illegitimate purposes and that such uses will constitute grounds for immediate termination of services by us.  You also agree to provide us with an acceptable form of ID under any current or future Money Laundering Regulations;

Annual Renewals 

We shall invoice fees in advance for annual renewals at least 2 months before your services expire towards the end of each calendar year. Our fees for the provision of the Services are set out in the voices and/or the Engagement Letter we signed with you. These fees may be reviewed from time to time in accordance with our Business Terms and Conditions.

We expect understanding invoices to be paid by the due date, as shown on the invoice. Failure to do so might result in the termination of our services and the concerned company not being in good standing;

Customer Responsibilities

16. You must co-operate with us in all matters relating to the Services, provide us with all information required to perform the Services and obtain any necessary licenses and consents (unless otherwise agreed).

17. Failure to comply with the above is a Customer default which entitles us to suspend the performance of the Services until you remedy it or if you fail to remedy it following our request, we can terminate the Contract with immediate effect on written notice to you.

Personal information and Registration

18. When registering to use the Website you must set up a username and password. You remain responsible for all actions taken under the chosen username and password and undertake not to disclose your username and password to anyone else and keep them secret.

19. We retain and use all information strictly under the Privacy Policy.

20. We may contact you by using e-mail or other electronic communication methods and by pre-paid post and you expressly agree to this.

Basis of Sale

21. The description of the Services on our website does not constitute a contractual offer to sell the Services. When an Order has been submitted on the Website, we can reject it for any reason, although we will try to tell you the reason without delay. Any monies already paid to us for the Order will be fully returned to you, shall we reject to process our order.

22. The Order process is set out on the Website. Each step allows you to check and amend any errors before submitting the Order. It is your responsibility to check that you have used the ordering process correctly.

23. A Contract will be formed for the Services ordered only when you receive an email from us confirming the Order (Order Confirmation). You must ensure that the Order Confirmation is complete and accurate and inform us immediately of any errors. We are not responsible for any inaccuracies in the Order placed by you. By placing an Order you agree to us giving you confirmation of the Contract by means of an email with all information in it (ie the Order Confirmation). You will receive the Order Confirmation within a reasonable time after making the Contract.

24. Any quotation or estimate of Fees sent by email is valid for a maximum period of 30 days from its date unless we expressly withdraw it at an earlier time.

25. No variation of the Contract, whether about description of the Services, Fees, or otherwise, can be made after it has been entered into unless the variation is agreed by the Customer and the Supplier in writing.

26. We intend that these Terms and Conditions apply only to a Contract entered into by you as a Consumer. If this is not the case, you must tell us, so that we can provide you with a different contract with terms which are more appropriate for you and which might, in some respects, be better for you, eg by giving you rights as a business.

Fees and Payment

27. The fees (Fees) for the Services, the price of any Services (if not included in the Fees) and any additional delivery or other charges is set out on the Website at the date we accept the Order or such other price as we may agree in writing. Prices for Services may be calculated on a fixed price or on a standard daily rate basis.

27.1 Our annual renewal fees may be reviewed from time to time in accordance with our Standard Business Terms and Conditions. We shall invoice for these fees annually in advance.

27.2In addition, we will invoice periodically for:

      1. any filing, registration or tax exemption fee or fine which is payable to keep you in good standing; and
      2. any disbursements, outlays and out of pocket expenses incurred by us in providing the Services, including mail handling charges and call charges incurred in redirecting telephone calls or facsimiles.

28. Fees and charges include VAT, which is applicable to all countries in the European Economic Area/EU member states, at the rate applicable at the time of the Order. Our online order system automatically zero rates VAT when you are able to supply a valid VAT number to the order form providing you are resident in the EU/ the European Economic Area. Zero-rating VAT is not applicable when you are resident in the UK.  If for any reason, you are unable to supply a valid VAT number to the order form when ordering, we will process VAT refunds to you within 5 working days providing the name of the company and the VAT number on the order form are matched.

29. You must pay by submitting your credit or debit card details with your Order and we can take payment immediately or otherwise before delivery of the Services.We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software. This software is the industry standard and among the best software available today for secure online commerce transactions. It encrypts all of your personal information, including credit card number, name and address, so that they cannot be read as the information travels over the Internet. For security reasons, we do not keep your credit card number on our servers.  Your card may be eligible for or is enrolled in the Verified by Visa, MasterCard SecureCode,  JCB J/Secure payer authentication programs, or American Express’ Safekey authentication programs. After clicking the Submit button, your card issuer may prompt you for your password before you complete your purchase.

 Virtual delivery of Services

30.Where any element of the Services is to be delivered virtually, the following terms shall apply:

30.1 Only those participants registered for virtual Services shall be permitted to attend the session(s);

30.2The registration instructions and log-in details for any virtual Services are personal to each participant. They may not be used by anyone else nor may they be transferred or supplied to any third party or organisation;

30.3 In most cases, we will deliver the concerned services to you by email, as well as any hard copies we hold for you by courier. The fees you have paid for our services include the courier charge;

30.3 If any participant or anyone else attempts to make multiple use of the registration and log-in details supplied by us by disclosing such details to others, the participant and its employing organisation will be liable for the number of people who subsequently attended the virtual Services using the registration details;

30.4 Participants acknowledge that participation in virtual Services requires use of certain technologies. Participants will, at their own expense: (a) provide their own viewing venue, computer systems, internet service, and other technology, devices, and accommodations necessary to participate in the virtual session; (b) obtain any software necessary to participate in the virtual session, including, without limitation, their own Zoom video-conferencing capability and access (or other provider as specified by us; and (c) comply with all reasonable additional technology requirements prescribed by us in writing. We accept no responsibility or liability for any failure in the above technology requirements;

30.5 We shall not be liable for any interruption to service or availability of internet connection or video-conferencing facility caused by equipment or technologies supplied, used or made available by the participant nor for participant’s inability to access any virtual session or content or functionality that forms part of the Services, nor for any interruption to service or availability of internet connection or video-conferencing facility caused by factors not under the control of us;

30.6 In addition to the data protection and privacy terms set forth in Clause 11 of these Terms, the following terms shall also apply;

30.7 We, at its discretion, may monitor the registration and access to virtual sessions, including the number of computers and their IP addresses, to ensure that the registration and/or log-in details have not been distributed;

30.8 We may record the virtual sessions provided that no participants shall be video-recorded in such recordings;

30.9 We may transfer personal data to third-party video-conferencing software providers used to facilitate virtual delivery of sessions, as sub-processors for the purpose of performance of the virtual session, as set forth in our Privacy Policy. Participants should also note that such third-party video-conferencing software providers may use participants’ personal data as set forth in their privacy policies; users of such third-party systems should refer to those policies for additional details.

Risk and Title

35. You do not own the/Services until we have received payment in full. Subject to the full payment for the Services provided, we assign to you all full legal ownership of services we have rendered to you.

Withdrawal and cancellation

36.You can withdraw the Order by telling us before we commence any work on your Services if you simply wish to change your mind and without giving us a reason, and without incurring any liability.

37.This is a distance contract (as defined below) that has the cancellation rights (Cancellation Rights) set out below. These Cancellation Rights, however, do not apply, to a contract for the following  services (with no others) in the following circumstances:

a. Any Services  that are made to your specifications or are clearly personalised;

b.Services that are already started by us.

c.For the avoidance of doubt, a failure to supply due diligence information, to obtain or supply professional advice / requested documents if requested or to complete any Agreement will be treated as a decision by you not to proceed with us and will be deemed as non-compliant with the due diligence process and no refund will be issued as a result of this.

Right to cancel

38. Subject as stated in these Terms and Conditions and the Refund Policy on our website, you can cancel this contract within 14 days without giving any reason.

39. The cancellation period will expire after 14 days from the day the Contract was entered into.

40. To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us of your decision to cancel this Contract by a clear statement setting out your decision (please email us at  In any event, you must be able to show clear evidence of when the cancellation was made. We will communicate to you within 48 hours an acknowledgment of receipt of such a cancellation in a Durable Medium (eg by email) without delay.

41. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right to cancel before the cancellation period has expired.

Commencement of Services in the cancellation period

In the event, you make a purchase of service but change your mind – provided we have not already worked on providing the service, you will be entitled to a refund of all monies paid to us, provided the notice to cancel is given within 14 calendar days of the purchase date. A refund will not be given for cancellation requests after 14 calendar days from the date of purchase or where we have started working on providing the service.

42. Except as set out below, if you cancel this Contract, we will reimburse you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery, if applicable.

Deduction for Services already worked

43. We may make a deduction from the reimbursement for the work we have commenced.  We then assign to you all full legal ownership of the services these have been paid for.

Duration and suspension

44. The Contract continues as long as it takes us to perform the Services.

45. Either you or we may terminate the Contract or suspend the Services at any time by a written notice of termination or suspension to the other if that other:

a.commits a serious breach, or series of breaches resulting in a serious breach, of the Contract and the breach either cannot be fixed or is not fixed within 30 days of the written notice; or subject to any step towards its bankruptcy or liquidation.

46. On termination of the Contract for any reason, any of our respective remaining rights and liabilities will not be affected. In the scenario where both we and you terminate this Contract, whereby the termination of this Contract was due to a breach of contract by you, we reserve the right to send an invoice to include but not limited to all work completed up until that point, if we are unpaid. If the breach of Contract was by us, we will compensate you all monies charged to date, ie. refund any monies paid for non-completion of the work and in such case, we shall still assign to you all full legal ownership of the work.


Successors and our sub-contractors

47. Either party can transfer the benefit of this Contract to someone else and will remain liable to the other for its obligations under the Contract. The Supplier will be liable for the acts of any sub-contractors who it chooses to help perform its duties.

Circumstances beyond the control of either party

48. In the event of any failure by a party because of something beyond its reasonable control:

a.the party will advise the other party as soon as reasonably practicable; and
b.the party’s obligations will be suspended so far as is reasonable, provided that that party will act reasonably, and the party will not be liable for any failure which it could not reasonably avoid, but this will not affect the Customer’s above rights relating to delivery (and the right to cancel below).


49. Your privacy is critical to us. We respect your privacy and comply with the General Data Protection Regulation with regard to your personal information.

50. These Terms and Conditions should be read alongside, and are in addition to our policies, including our privacy policy ( and cookies policy (

51. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions:

a.’Data Protection Laws’ means any applicable law relating to the processing of Personal Data, including, but not limited to the Directive 95/46/EC (Data Protection Directive) or the GDPR.
b.’GDPR’ means the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
c.’Data Controller’, ‘Personal Data’ and ‘Processing’ shall have the same meaning as in the GDPR.

52. We are a Data Controller of the Personal Data we Process in providing the Services and Goods to you.

53. Where you supply Personal Data to us so we can provide Services  to you, and we Process that Personal Data in the course of providing the Services to you, we will comply with our obligations imposed by the Data Protection Laws:

a.before or at the time of collecting Personal Data, we will identify the purposes for which information is being collected;
b.we will only Process Personal Data for the purposes identified;
c.we will respect your rights in relation to your Personal Data; and
d.we will implement technical and organisational measures to ensure your Personal Data is secure.
e.Please review our Privacy Policy since this also governs your visit to our website and is incorporated into the Terms and Conditions of Business.  To access this Policy, please click on the link in the footer of the website.

54. For any inquiries or complaints regarding data privacy, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at the following e-mail address:


55. The Supplier does not exclude liability for: (i) any fraudulent act or omission; or (ii) death or personal injury caused by negligence or breach of the Supplier’s other legal obligations. Subject to this, we are not liable for (i) loss which was not reasonably foreseeable to both parties at the time when the Contract was made, or (ii) loss (eg loss of profit) to your business, trade, craft or profession which would not be suffered by a Consumer – because we believe you are not buying the Services wholly or mainly for your business, trade, craft or profession.

(iii)You hereby agree to indemnify us from any third party claim, action, loss or damages, arising out of or relating to your violation of these Business Terms and Conditions

56.Sinda Corporation shall accept no responsibility for any errors, omissions or misleading statements on our company, or for any loss Information on this website has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal accounting or structure advice.
The information and opinions we provide do not address your particular requirements and are for informational purposes only. They do not constitute any form of legal advice and should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice relevant to particular circumstances and is not intended to be relied upon by you in making any decisions that may arise from reliance on materials contained on this website. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any business dealings with us.

57.(a)You indemnify us, any group company which we use to provide the Services and our employees from and against any liability incurred by any of us(including any costs incurred and any fine or penalty issued against or liability personally incurred by any of our companies or employees when acting on your behalf) which arises from any of the following:

(i)from or as a result of the provision of the Services, or from the letter of engagement;(ii) any act or omission relating to the provision of the Services or any other work carried out any of us at your request or at the request of a personal referred to in or notified to us, other than any liability arising out of our or our group of companies’ gross negligence , wilful default or fraud; or(iii) any failure by you to comply with the obligation  arising out of the letter of engagement; and

(b) indemnify us against any costs, charges and expenses suffered   or incurred in enforcing the terms of this Agreement.

58 Liability

(a) Except in respect of claims for death or personal injury resulting from negligence or as other prohibited by law, our liability for loss or damage in contract, tort(including negligence  or breach of statutory duty ), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise, arising in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of our Services under this agreement  should not exceed the aggregate of total professional fees paid to us.

Governing law, jurisdiction and complaints

59. The Contract (including any non-contractual matters) is governed by the law of England and Wales.

60. Disputes can be submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales or, where the Customer lives in Scotland or Northern Ireland, in the courts of respectively Scotland or Northern Ireland.

61. We try to avoid any dispute, so we deal with complaints as follows: “If a dispute occurs customers should contact us to find a solution. We will aim to respond with an appropriate solution within 5 days. Please lodge your complaint to us at



The last date was modified and updated on  09/10/2023

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