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Opening a bank account in the Bahamas with a reputable Caribbean bank is an excellent way to establish your business or manage personal finances through a private account. Best of all, no in-person visit is required to open the account.

Turnaround time: 2-3 weeks for a private bank account and a business bank account

Our fees* for  private and business bank account applications include

Service fee
Compliance application fee payable to Banks
Preparation of legal and regulatory documents for bank account opening
Courier Fee
Lifetime Customer Support/business advice/advisory support 24/7
Certified documents as an authorised agent
Complimentary advice on account review ,if any
Complimentary document templates for business
Negotiating with the bank on behalf of clients
Our fees for opening a business bank account are payable when placing an order on our website.


We will need to receive an order from you.
We get back to you within 24 hours confirming all the required documentation.
We will run due diligence checks with you on your business and any persons associated with the business.
Once all the documents and information have been gathered, we will make an application with the Bank on your behalf.
We will act on your behalf and liaise with the Bank for any queries and/or submit any additional documents on your behalf if needed.
We will act on your interest until the account is up and running.
You will receive all bank details from the Bank.
We provide lifetime client services to you for any queries.



We endeavour to connect you to the right Bank for bank account opening. However, there are circumstances for which the Bank did not approve the application. In this case, we will continue to connect you to the right bank in the same or different jurisdiction, depending on your requirements and how your business portfolio fits the Bank.
If you do not wish to continue after the first refusal, we will then issue you a partial refund, after deducting 15% of the total fee you paid as the administration cost. The refund will be processed within 5 workings once we have received a request from you at
The above arrangements are in line with our business Terms and Conditions, which can be accessed on ‘Business Terms and Conditions‘.

flag of Bahamas Bahamas



The financial sector accounts for a big chunk  of the Bahamian economy, making up more than a third of the country’s economy. The banking sector has attracted  a significant amount of attention from foreign companies and private clients due to its company law and banking law similar to English law and its close proximity to the US.

The Bahamas has a strong and well-regulated banking system consisting of domestic and large international banks from across the globe, which provides easy access to the financial markets.

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