Business Support measures from the HKSAR Government for the Fifth Round of Anti-epidemic Fund(AEF)
The HKSAR Government on the 14th of January 2021 announced business support measures to businesses in Hong Kong in the form of grants totaling HKD 3.57 billion. The latest government supports comes on the back of the new Omicros variant spreading at a faster pace globally. This has resulted in the Hong Kong Government tightening social distancing requirements from the 7th of January 2022 onwards.
The key takeaways of the latest business support measures are summarised as the following:
Business grants to 17,600 licensed catering outlets under the Catering Business Subsidy Scheme
A business grant ranging from HKD50,000 to HKD250,000 be given to restaurant owners
Catering outlets in the hospitality sector including Karaoke establishments, nightclubs and bars and pubs have been forced to close throughout the latest tightening measures will be receiving an additional one-off grant of HKD25,000
Other sectors that will receive the business grants include:
Travel Agents HKD271million
Fitness Industry HKD105.8million
Beauty salons, massage parlors and party rooms HKD318m
Cinemas HKD10million
Bathhouses HKD2.5million
Mahjong/Tin Kau establishments HKD3.5million